Language is the foundation upon which knowledge is built.

We are a team of education professionals, software experts, and researchers.

Our mission: to help children learn language through play.

When it comes to literacy, global statistics are alarming.*

(*data from UNESCO)


of children are dyslexic

773 M

people are illiterate

$1 trillion

annual cost of illiteracy

-10 years

years impact on life expectancy due to low literacy


of the 773M are women


survival rate after 5 years if the mother is literate

oil painting of a solid foundation made of colorful building blocks

We put our passion and creativity to work for children's education.

As enthusiasts of technology, education, speech therapy, and language learning games, our team is dedicated to creating innovative and enjoyable learning experiences. We combine our expertise to provide children with an effective educational approach that allows them to develop their language skills while having fun.

Strong reading and writing skills increase the chances of success in life.

Solid reading and writing skills are essential for success in life. They open the door to better education and employment opportunities, promote self-confidence and independence, and allow for a better understanding of the world around us. Therefore, mastering these skills from an early age is crucial to ensuring a promising future.

Our Core Values

Doing the right thing is easy when our decisions are based on solid principles.



We are dedicated to bringing you products of the highest educational and technological quality.



We make our products available to as many people as possible, as simply and intuitively as humanly possible.



By being generous in our attentions and with personalized service, we hope to better serve our community.



We try to do things differently, take new paths and discover treasures along the way.